Monday, June 04, 2012

Think BIG, Dream BIG

"Every day is another chance to make your Dreams come true."

I've been going through a lot of changes recently as you all know and all of them have to do with my dreams. Something in me has shifted and I've left the fear behind and walk right up to my dream and decided to make friends. They've always been there, ideas floating around in my mind, but I've never attacked them as fiercely as I am now. I made a clear decision to not let anything hold me back or stand in my way of my dreams and by golly I'm going after them. Right now I'm working toward my dream of writing and recording a single with Kelly Clarkson. Some would say that's crazy but I would say "crazier things have happened!" If I don't go after this dream with all I've got, how will I ever know if it's possible to achieve or not? I had to take those first scary steps and now it's snowballing! I'm currently writing on one album, been asked to write for another and now I've also been approached by scout from a music company to send them some of my stuff to see what may come of it. I believe none of this would be happening had I not made a clear decision to follow my dreams. Everything just seems to be falling into place for me, and I also believe it has to do with the fact that I now BELIEVE it should/will fall into place for me.

Also since I stepped out as a Psychic and Medium last week I have had four sessions with very happy clients and more bookings keep rolling in! Who knew that once I opened the doors the flood would just pour in? Yes taking the first steps were scary but once I did it and got over it everything fell into place. The more readings I do the more confident I become in my abilities and the more bookings come my way. It's truly a magical experience once someone realizes one of their potentials and goes after their dreams. So follow your dreams. Believe that you are good enough, that you deserve it and that good things happen to you because they can and they will. Chase after your dream and don't let anyone distract you with negative thinking. Just make a clear decision in your mind to follow through and then keep your promise to yourself. Anything is possible if you believe it's possible so stick with it!

Gratitude journal of the day...
I'm grateful for...
1) My amazing clients who have all been super happy with my psychic readings for them!
2) The new music I added to my play list. It adds new energy to the routine!
3) The awesome day I had at work! Thank you Universe!
4) The new opportunities that are coming to me day by day
5) The beautiful Shaman journey I was taken on today by Sandy, many blessings <3

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