Friday, December 14, 2012

A Sigh of Relief

A powerful message came through last night as I was beginning my readings of "Ask and it is Given: Learning to master your Desires" by Esther and Jerry Hicks. The line that struck me was page 4, "this book will help you understand that you will never, ever get it done." and BAM! Something hit me. I'm never going to be finished, there is no "end point," I don't need to have all this "pressure" to do what it is I believe I have to do during this lifetime on this Earth. Talk about sigh of relief! Something in me just shifted once this fully hit me. I took a breathe and really sat on it for a minute.

If I'm never going to be done, why do I put all this pressure on myself to succeed and finish? I can sit back, enjoy the ride and go with the flow knowing fully that I have multiple life times to do the things I want to do! What a spectacular revaluation! I now feel this calm that has taken over me. Like I'm now free to do what I please and not what I believe I'm "here to do." Now sitting in this knowingness I also have this overwhelming feeling that by understanding this concept it's actually opening me up even MORE to do what I came here to do, and all I had to do was chill out and let go. It's always so amazing when we have those "ah-ha" moments. I feel like I've been born again with a fresh perspective. So many more doors have opened to me now that I had never even considered or seen before. I was in a space of believing that I was at an age where I had to buckle down and "set up a life for myself" here in Vancouver, Canada, but now I realize my life is so much more that building my business and being in Vancouver. I have a new and exciting venture on the horizon that I will tell you more about once I have solidified the details a bit more. If all goes in flow then I very well may be blogging from another part of the world in the new year! I feel electrified and energized in a way I haven't felt for quite some time. I've been living in Vancouver for the past 4 years now and have learnt so much but I do believe the universe is pushing me into a new adventure, and I couldn't be more excited!

With Gratitude,


  1. Dear Friend, thank you for sharing your story. I have read many of the same and similar stories and they all are awakening in me many truths. For one, The Mayan Calendar End of Days" scenario is not the end of days, it is the end of ignorance. We are all slated to awaken to a new consciousness paradigm. We do have eons of time at our disposal to live the new life which awaits us. Namo Amitabha Buddha!

  2. Thank you for your words Lloyd! I too believe it's not going to be the end of the world but more a re-birthing of the world into a new age.

  3. And see, the date of the end of the world has already gone and we are safe.
