Monday, December 16, 2013

My Interview With Financial Author Kate Northrup

Calan Breckon with Kate Northrup at the I CAN DO IT! event in New York

Last week I achieved what seemed to be a great feat in my life, I interviewed the author of "Money: A Love Story," Kate Northrup for my radio show Discovering Your Truth on YTP Radio. Since the show is still very much in its infancy stages with this only being its tenth show I was flabbergasted when Kate agreed to the interview. Doesn't it feel amazing when we breaking through those barriers we set up for ourselves in life and do something we never thought possible?

I had met Kate just a month prior at the I CAN DO IT! event in New York presented by Hay House. I'd always wanted to attend one of these events and the timing just seemed to be perfect. Kate was one of the speakers and she absolutely blew me out of the water with her presentation on finance and the missing lovelinks we tend to suffer from surrounding money. I had never heard of her before the event but after her presentation I was determined to make a connection with her. You see, my story quite closely paralleled her story of leaving on a trip around America to figure things out and that's exactly why I was in New York at the time. There's many more connections but that's a tale for another time.

I was so grateful when Kate agreed to be a guest on the show because that created a belief in myself that I should just go after what I want despite not being "big enough." You never know who's going to say yes or give you that shot if you never step up to the plate in the first place. Since then I've also booked another big name in the self-improvement sector, Sean Stephenson, who I'm absolutely stoked to be interviewing. Even if you think you're just a small fish I want to urge you to take a chance on whatever it is you want in life, you never know what might come of it.

Below is my interview with Kate which is full of all sorts of great information about being an author, following your heart and also some very wise words for any artists out there who may be struggling.

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